I have a runny nose and I sneeze. Am I having a cold or an allergy?
List Bloc QA Latest Questions
Can a pantyhose or stocking slim down my legs for a while?
Being that high AST and ALT levels are the result of dying muscle tissue, could a recent, extremely high impact exercise routine be the cause of the elevation?
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What minerals are people most commonly deficient in (health wise)?
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Are animals the cause for the leprosy disease?
How can you describe the functions of the lymph nodes in the neck?
I want to sleep hard for 5 hours what pills do you recommend?
What does random pain in the pressure points on one’s hands and feet mean?
What do I do after breathing in fiberglass dust?
Does drinking fluids still count as eating if the drinks are deficient of any nutrition and you eat nothing besides?
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Should one quit if pressure is high?